Turbo Pascal 7 For Mac

Target Mac OS (Classic Mac OS) Free Pascal 2.0 for Mac OS is the current release. It will work on latest classic Mac OS (that is 9.2.2) and below, probably down to 7.1.2 (the first Mac OS for PowerPC), and also in the classic compatibility environment on Mac OS X. However it has only been tested on Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X classic environment. Borland Turbo Pascal 1.x (Mac) Borland Turbo Pascal is a Pascal programming language compiler with an Integrated Development Environment targeted at the hobbyist and entry-level market. There were versions for CP/M and DOS. For a time, it was sold along side their professional 'Borland Pascal.

Turbo Pascal 1.1 is a Pascal development environment. This version includes interface units updated to correspond with Inside Macintosh, Volume V, and supports ROM routines available in the Macintosh SE and Macintosh II. Free Pascal (aka FPK Pascal) is a 32 and 64 bit professional Pascal compiler. It is available for different processors: Intel x86, Amd64/x86 64, PowerPC, Sparc.

Borland Turbo Pascal is a Pascal programming language compiler with an Integrated Development Environment targeted at the hobbyist and entry-level market. There were versions for CP/M and DOS. For a time, it was sold along side their professional 'Borland Pascal' product line. Borland also produced a set of 'toolbox' libraries along side their earlier versions.



Release notes


Turbo Pascal for Macintosh was a short lived port of Borland's Pascalproduct to the Apple Macintosh. It featured a more advanced compilerthan the DOS version at the time.

It was an awkward time as Borland had previously been very criticalof the under powered and closed Macintosh 128k architecture. While atthe same time Apple had not been very supportive of third partydevelopment tools.

In practice it would not have aided in porting software from the PC,as typical PC programs contained much DOS/IBM platform specific code.

This software requires at least a Macintosh 512k or Macintosh Plus.

Turbo Pascal Install

Version 1.1, added support for the Macintosh II.

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